Wednesday, October 03, 2007

oh please.. i didnt get full marks..

and heard that an engaged couple i know of broke up.
I feel very sad for them. Hope God can bring both of them through =)


Monday, October 01, 2007

Did you guys remember that I mentioned abt saying sorry to my biz grp members?

Just had our peer analysis back today.

Strength VS Areas of improvement

I wasn't shocked over what was mentioned for areas of improvement. I know I was putting biz at one of my lowest piority right now BUT it will be changed after mid terms.On the other hand, somethings said wasn't really accurate though. I guess it really needs to take time to know a person =)

As for strengths, I was pretty amazed. I never really notice that I exhibit such character or personality in front of my team members. I just feel like laughing whenever I read the strengths part.
Alright, buck up Cecily. Time to leave some things aside and don't put down your biz group members =D I seriously hope its not too late. And i don't think its too late anyway..had been trying to give in constructive input for the video.

